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发布时间:2022-04-02 08:32:30

A. 四大美女的有关英文介绍

Four Beauties
The Four Beauties (Chinese: 四大美人; Pinyin: sì dà měi rén) are four ancient Chinese women, renowned for their beauty. Though actual historical figures, their stories have been greatly embellished by legend.

According to legend, they are the most beautiful women of ancient China, and among the most significant as well. They have remained famous because of their effect on the emperors and kings with whom they were involved. Some brought kingdoms or dynasties to their knees. Most ended their lives in tragedy or mystery.

They are, in chronological order:

Xi Shi (c. seventh to sixth century BC, Spring and Autumn Period), said to be "so beautiful as to make swimming fish sink"
Wang Zhaojun (c. first century BC, Western Han Dynasty), said to be "so beautiful as to make flying geese fall"
Diao Chan (c. third century, Three Kingdoms period), said to have "a face that would make the full moon hide behind the clouds"
Yang Guifei (719-756, Tang Dynasty), said to have "a face that would make all flowers feel shameful"
Within Chinese literature, the Four Beauties are described as the fairest of all while still having some down-to-earth qualities. For instance, Xi Shi is believed by some to have had bigger feet than normal ladies of her time (though they might be common size nowadays), and to wince from chest pains. Yang Guifei is believed to have had an unpleasant odor (it is believed to be the reason she made several bathing ponds and was famous for creating scented powder) and is also said to have been rather plump. These flaws only serve to make their stories more realistic.

It should be noted that no historical accounts mention a person named Diao Chan; while Hou Han Shu discuss a servant girl of Dong Zhuo's with whom Lü Bu had an affair, she was not named. Moreover, "Diao" is not a common Chinese last name, but diao chan was a term commonly used to describe top officials' hat decorations ring the subsequent Jin Dynasty.

This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer)

B. 中国外交部“四大美女”翻译官,她们各自有着怎样的成长故事


C. “中国古代四大美女”用英文怎么说

Four Beauties in ancient China 这有关于中国古代四大美女的英文介绍,希望对你有帮助 http://www.taody.com/iknow/10307221.html

D. 沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花英语怎么说

沉鱼落雁 [chén yú luò yàn]
makes the fish sink [dive down] and wild geese fall
one who would make wild geese alight and fish dive down for shame

a beauty which would obscure the moon and make flowers blush

E. 四大美女的缺点用英语怎么说

The shortcomings of the four great beauties

F. 关于中国古代四大美女的课前三分钟演讲稿英文版

Hakka culture refers to the culture of the hakka people together create,including hakka,drama,music,dance,crafts,folk customs,architecture,humanities,diet,etc.Hakka culture continuity,inclusive,diversity,openness and so on.
Hakka culture is an important part of southern China culture,also is the han Chinese culture,unique and rare treasures.Since one thousand,the hakka people tried to keep their unique culture,hakka culture is the han nationality in the tradition of the Chinese nation excellent culture,and advancing with The Times to create rich and colorful culture.Guangdong hakka culture as an important branch of lingnan culture,and wide mansion culture,the chaoshan culture,is the ancient south guangdong native culture and the han nationality culture in thousands of years of mutual integration of the culture of relatively stable.
Though hakka culture across China in guangdong,fujian,jiangxi,guangxi,sichuan,Taiwan and other provinces and overseas in Indonesia,Singapore,Thailand,etc.,the study of distribution of hakka history origin so wide,but it was not until the 20th century caused widespread attention.The hakka origin have some sporadic records,the earliest can be traced back to the middle of qing dynasty.

G. 关于梅兰竹菊,脸谱(生旦净末丑),古代四大美女,西游记,凤凰涅槃的相关英文介绍,300字以内就可。

严格说来, “生、旦、净、末、丑”是元杂剧之后才细分的, “生”由“末”分出来, 而“丑”由“净”独立出来.

通常这种领域的名词, 是音译与义译共存; 因为这些名称并不只是属于中华文化圈或是台湾语言中的名称, 它们的“发音”也蕴含意义


a male lead (生/shen, 末/mo) : a male lead 就是男性的主角. 其实我们印象里的“小生”是坤生(女扮男装). 如果你所说的生, 末指的是种类, 那可以说 a male role (男角)即可

a female lead (旦/dan) : a female lead 就是女性的主角, 至于花旦, 老旦, 武旦, 苦旦, 就各自加上英文形容词就可以; 说明“旦”是一女性类种时, 也可以说 a female role.

廖琼枝老师就是有名的苦旦, 你可以说 Master Liao is the foremost "Ku Dan"(the sorrowful/the tragic female lead) in the world of Taiwanese opera. (廖大师是歌仔戏苦旦祭酒)

a supporting male lead (净/jing) : “净”在京戏这类戏曲中是花脸(the painted face)

the jester (丑/chou) :这个丑分为男丑与女丑, 男丑(a male jester)称为三花(san hua), 女丑(a female jester)叫做彩旦, 化妆比较夸张, 衣服也比较俗气野台戏的用语比较大方, 女丑叫做“三八”( san ba dan)

请注意, jester 与 clown 都是丑角, 但是jester比较偏向于插科打诨这种. 一般多用 jester, 但也有 clown 适用的时候, 比如这个角色若常常做傻动作而不是讲傻话的话.

H. “四大美女”中国外交部翻译团出现,你知道她们都是谁吗




I. 一条河――洮河,一个文化――马家窑文化,一个人――中国古代四大美女之一的貂蝉这一句话用英语怎么写

One river: the Tiao River; One culture: the Majiayao Culture; One person: Diao Chan, one of the four beauties in the Chinese ancient times.



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