❶ QQ有多少美女
❷ 美女的qq是多少啊
❸ 谁知道这个美女叫什么QQ多少
❹ 美女的qq
❺ 美女、、你的QQ多少给我说下呗
❻ 网络美女沐柒镁QQ多少
❼ 美女。。。QQ多少啊
❽ 美女 你的QQ多少啊
❾ 谁能告诉我几个网络美女的QQ啊
2010年网络十大风云人物,2010年网络红人十大名单(请务必转载,全网公正) 第一:大众人气之王___霸气十足 QQ:44926 7279 理由:顾名思义,人气超高现每天30W左右的点击率,已经远远超过腾讯官方Qzone。 经典的日志,唯美音乐已经成了霸气十足的形象代表。日志转载量排行腾讯第一 实至名归09年第一风云人物 第二:最有争议红人____莫小晓 QQ:28938 3324 理由:每天人气10W+,网络信息爆满的网络美女—莫小晓,完全有资格进入09年十大风云人物排行。但今年关于莫小晓的负面信息真的太多了 尤其以她是其实是男性,冒充她人照片的信息最为严重。此说法并非无稽之谈,毕竟谁也没看过莫小晓的视频。莫小晓,男性粉丝众多 此负面信息让莫晓小备受争议,她?还是他?我们不得而知。 第三:网络顶峰人物____小宁 QQ:30353 4143 理由:身为皇朝家族创始他一直以来很努力,挺有实力,势力,为人不忘本,! 一直走在网络的顶峰,据说皇朝家族是因为他的人气才红起来的. 一直被模仿,从未被超越。 第四:网络人气女霸主____亚小帝 QQ:8179 6470 理由:08年的网络小人物,09年转型为大众人气。以女性德天地厚的优势迅速成名,从张艾森接手了原创中国元素家族荒祭轩 一年内也冲击到网络十大家族名列。网络长期以来被男生占据,亚小帝成功创下了女性称霸的列子 现以成为网络公认第一女霸主 第五:空间技术霸主____缺德 QQ:2930 61 理由:前网络第一家族残血创始人_缺德,空间被陷害封闭后,残血家族一度面临解散危机。但缺德用新QQ继续发展残血就是时尚的文化 再他的领导下残血家族评介技术优势继续屹立网络家族界,虽然现残血家族排名跌至第三位。 但是我们有理由相信,残血家族才是最有资本走向巅峰的家族 第六:网络第一策划师__张艾森 QQ:2370 01232 理由:09年初杀马特家族最高行政总裁,带领杀家从脑残伪视觉走向新潮流,并且初步走上了商业的道路 据传闻和创始人泪凯不合,所以退出杀马特家族,自建依然家族,不到一年的时间内 依然家族发展成为网络第四大家族,商业第一家族。以优秀的头脑成功举办第一届网络公众活动。 现正准备发展慈善活动。前段时间因为被诬陷现实偷手机,名声大跌,据说已经闹到现实警方的介入。也是网络有史以来第一次从网络闹到现实的纠纷。 第七:网络最落魄红人____邓阳 QQ:8534 4610 理由:横行网络四年的老红人邓阳,09年因现实原因有段时间无法正常上网,其家族—皇朝被亲手提拔上来的手下{现皇朝总创—小宁}霸占 很长一段时间闹的网络满城风雨,最终邓阳也没有拿会皇朝家族的所有权。现仅仅是一个新家族的二把手,对于这样的结果 不知道邓阳心里怎么想。最近又和老婆闹分手,邓阳真的是09年实至名归的落魄红人 第八:网络首席MC______洪磊 QQ:4599 45678 理由:洪磊的MC被大众界、家族界以及技术界所喜爱。洪亮的声音,震撼的DJ,使洪磊成为网络MC的代表人物 所谓树大招风,占据MC界第一名头的洪磊,挑战的对手更是一浪接一浪。新生的优秀网络MC太多太多了 第一MC的王座还能做多久呢? 第九:家族界第一人气____泪凯 QQ:3816 23401 理由:现网络第一家族杀马特创始人,家族人气无可争议的最高者,为什么吧他的排名放这么低呢?今年的杀马特吸引人的事情、动作真的太少了 前最高行政总裁—张艾森和前家族副创始6个月的网络对峙,让网络焦点再次放到杀家身上。不由我们想起了曾经的良、林林、小奇。 似乎只要在杀家得到实权的人物,都慢慢退出了杀家。杀家究竟是和谐家族?还是政治斗争的缩影? 第十:网上教程发布____小翼 QQ:3699 85126 理由:09中下旬迅速崛起于空间界,8月依照Q空间博客5000+的人气迅速走红空间界,和莫晓小、霸气十足比起来似乎显得微不足道,但是关于QQ关于空间的各种教程,都令很多莫名的人喜欢。小翼他的教程,专攻Q,专攻空间,并且他平易近人,从来没有架子,Q过他的他只有在都回了的,据说他还是90后,希望他能网络的路上走的更远。
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although young,wow gold, and wow gold no one in his way. Stone director whispered: "who is printing four plants. Factory's poor performance, fast break down. These days, there are rumors that, should our four plants and factories, workers have to cut wow powerleveling half of the retired workers wages have decreased. "river stone cold finally understand why the director had worried about. Although the four factory workers to make trouble,wow accounts, and he does not related. But the case of the factory just a little better, put a quick collapse of the factory and come in, how can better benefit? If the Government is under pressure to calm the situation, a person is not cut, in the end, or the burden of the factory, and some harm than good taste. Cold river and asked: "cut and rection of retirement pay is that true?" Stone director looked around, frowned and whispered: "Who knows? Light Instry Bureau leaders and those who are inside the city's decision. I who want to cut the bar must be cut, how much it. rece the retirement pay this claim, I'd never heard of, I am wow powerleveling afraid it is repeated the baseless assertion. "director Stone said:" When they are singled out, and do not know Who leaked today, Provincial Development and Reform Commission who want to down state-owned enterprises to inspect the train is coming from the city of Yan. "talking,wow gold, a group of people have walked into the place was lying on rails. Jiang, cold wow accounts look around, I saw six parallel tracks, both lay people, a total of thirty a few, mostly six or seven-year-old retired worker, there are several middle-aged women,wow gold, of the young male workers is One did not see. Four plant's leadership has come to, is squatting there for ideological work. There is a fat lead, said: "These are rumors, less than the letter. We almost get up.'s Leadership to ensure that the factory does not matter everyone." Lie where the old workers shouted: "I do not believe you, we want to see Yan Shuji, Zhou Mayor, Deputy Mayor Ke (vice mayor in charge of instry),wow gold, we have to listen to their commitments. "The leader advised:" The provincial leadership is coming inside, you have What, then, first let out of the railway, the leadership inside the city will consider your views. "older workers, said:" We can just come to the great leadership of the province reflect the situation. "next to the railway branch snapped a Director : "Do not you wow gold know, obstruct rail traffic is much sin?" cried the old worker, said: "Leadership, I have Seventy-three, and had also not survive for years. no more retirement pay,