㈠ 求一幅畫的名字,一個女人金色的衣服,周圍全是像黃金首飾一樣的東西,衣服上還有菱形的眼睛(有圖)
㈡ 金發碧眼大長腿,西方人為什麼對金發美女如此執著
㈢ 誰知道這女的是哪個歐美歌手對歐美MV了解的進.急!!
歌名是 the sweet eascape
gwen stefani與 Akon 共同演唱的
The sweet escape
WooHoo, YeeHoo
WooHoo, YeeHoo
WooHoo, YeeHoo
WooHoo, YeeHoo
[ Gwen ]
If I could escape I would but,
First of all, let me say
I must apologize for acting stank & treating you this way
Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator door
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold?
If I could escape (escape)& recreate a place as my own world (own world)
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
Now tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet(be sweet),
I know I've been a real bad girl(bad Girl) (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better,
Tell me boy wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
[ Akon ]
Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away, get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (To our sweet escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Yeah)
[ Gwen ]
You held me down, I'm at my lowest boiling point
Come help me out, I need to get me out of this joint
Come on let's bounce, counting on you to turn me around
Instead of clowning around, let's look for some common ground
So baby, When times get a little crazy
I've been gettin' a little lazy, waitin' on you to come save me
I can see that you're angry by the way that you treat me
Hopefully you don't leave me, want to take you with me
If I could escape (escape)& recreate a place as my own world(own world)
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet (sorry boy)
I know I've been a real bad girl (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo (If I could escape)
Woohoo, yeehoo (If I could escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator door
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold?
If I could escape (escape)& recreate a place as my own world
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet (sorry boy)
I know I've been a real bad girl (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away, get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (To our sweet escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Yeah)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo
㈣ 急求圖片,是一個歐洲美女拿著摩托V8手機,圖片的顏色是黃金色,有的發至[email protected]
已發三張大圖,傳說中的:銳智MOTO RAZR黃金典藏版,要積分哦!
㈤ 歐美mv 是三個穿著金色衣服跳舞唱歌的女生
Beyonce - Sweet Dream
㈥ 一個國外女模特,身材很平板很瘦,金色發白的短發,像個小男孩
Agyness Deyn
全名:Agyness Deyn
原名:勞拉·霍琳斯 (Laura Hollins)
出生地:英國藍卡夏 (Lancashire UK)
身高:5'8" ; 173cm
三圍:(US) 31-24-35 ; (EU) 78-60-88
衣號:(US) 4 ; (EU) 34
鞋碼:(US) 9 ; (EU) 40
◆ 英倫最紅超模阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 介紹:
阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) ——她是《時代》周刊的封面女郎,除此之外還出現在許多其他著名雜志的封面上。她被英國著名娛樂雜志《Tatler》選為年度最有型女性。阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 更是「英國時尚獎」(British Fashion Awards) 2007年度模特獲得者。她的面孔是一個樣,身材卻是渾不相乾的另一個樣,而氣質則又換了一個樣。阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 的白金色蓬亂短發、SloganT恤、街頭風格,成為無數粉絲效仿的對象。ZARA 製作了模仿British Fashion Awards 外形的木模特。時尚活動缺了British Fashion Awards 就不完整。British Fashion Awards 是目前全球最受歡迎的模特。「The Aggy」更成為一個風格的代名詞,阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) ,她受人崇拜,一往無前,她成為了時尚界的奇跡。
◆ 阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 的事業:
阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 是阿瑪尼 (Armani) 的08年新代言人。
阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 有個樂隊,名叫Lucky Knitwear。
經紀公司:De Boekers、Viva Models - Paris、Marilyn Agency、Why Not Model Agency、Select Model Management、DNA Model Management
品牌廣告:阿瑪尼 (Armani) ,藍色情人 (Blumarine) , 巴寶莉 (BURBERRY) , 卡夏爾 (Cacharel) ,奇安弗蘭科·費雷 (Gianfranco Ferre) ,瑪百莉 (Mulberry) ,保羅·史密斯 (Paul Smith) ,System,薇薇恩·韋斯特伍德 (Vivienne Westwood)
2007春夏:安娜蘇 (Anna Sui) ,DKNY,盧埃拉 (Luella) ,Malo,馬克·雅可布之馬克 (Marc by Marc Jacobs) ,邁克·柯爾 (Michael Kors) ,Miss Sixty, 納西索·羅德里格斯 (Narciso Rodriguez) ,普羅恩薩·施羅 (Proenza Schouler) ,扎克·珀森 (Zac Posen)
2007秋冬: 藍色情人 (Blumarine)
◆ 阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 的私人感情生活:
雖然不少人第一次看到Agy,都會誤會她是Lesbian,但阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 的的確確是直的,阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 先後和Josh Hubbard、阿爾伯特·哈蒙德 (Albert Hammond Jr.) 穿出戀情,目前的約會對象是阿爾伯特·哈蒙德 (Albert Hammond Jr.) 。
荷蘭屋 (House of Holland) 的設計師亨利·荷蘭 (Henry Holland) 是阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 在小餐館做招待時就結交的好友,藍顏知己,阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 是荷蘭屋 (House of Holland) 的代言面孔。而亨利·荷蘭 (Henry Holland) 設計的SloganT恤就是因阿格妮絲·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 代言而紅到不行。
㈦ 求一部外國電影,只記得開頭,有一個女穿的金色的像金條一樣盤在身上的衣服和另一個女 的在廁所親熱。
㈧ 秋冬第一色為金色,有多少人能駕馭「金色」的衣服
㈨ 尋歌 歐美女歌手演唱會上身穿一套鮮黃色衣服 上身是bra 金黃色長發 歌詞有forever 節奏比較輕快
jewel 的 stay here forever