導航:首頁 > 美女搜索 > 美女喝醉吐了配什麼音樂


發布時間:2023-08-23 07:10:36

A. 求超好聽的歌曲



B. 有首英文歌女生唱的,mv是一開始一個女孩在派對上喝醉酒第二天從一堆朋友身邊酒醒

Invisible Girl - Pandora She likes some way kiss in the bed instead a remarked clock She will be let if she does it get up yet And never break for those long Then put in more some clothes Cause they understand there's no one inside nobody seems to care No one can see this invisible girl I guess we don't want too No one can see her hurry invisible world we don't need that try too She's the invisible girl in her invisible world She goes to work everyday everything is just the same She thinks to vanish no one knows her name no What does if take to be seen if you are not beauty queen We just pretend to understand but all she needs is a free No one can see this invisible girl I guess we don't want too No one can see her hurry invisible world we don't need that try too She's the invisible girl in her invisible world She's invisible invisible We just pretend to understand she needs a free Now I can see this invisible girl I can see this world No one can see her hurry invisible world we don't need that try too No one can see this invisible girl I guess we don't want too No one can see her hurry invisible world we don't need that try too She's the invisible girl She's the invisible invisible She's the invisible girl She's the invisible invisible She's the invisible invisible

C. 韓國哪一首歌的mv開頭是一個女的喝醉了在路邊走,好像還拿著酒瓶的 穿著白色的貂皮一樣的衣服,傷感歌曲


這是 Seeya 皮鞋的三部曲最後一個MV 建議連起來看。




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