❶ QQ有多少美女
❷ 美女的qq是多少啊
❸ 誰知道這個美女叫什麼QQ多少
❹ 美女的qq
❺ 美女、、你的QQ多少給我說下唄
❻ 網路美女沐柒鎂QQ多少
❼ 美女。。。QQ多少啊
❽ 美女 你的QQ多少啊
❾ 誰能告訴我幾個網路美女的QQ啊
2010年網路十大風雲人物,2010年網路紅人十大名單(請務必轉載,全網公正) 第一:大眾人氣之王___霸氣十足 QQ:44926 7279 理由:顧名思義,人氣超高現每天30W左右的點擊率,已經遠遠超過騰訊官方Qzone。 經典的日誌,唯美音樂已經成了霸氣十足的形象代表。日誌轉載量排行騰訊第一 實至名歸09年第一風雲人物 第二:最有爭議紅人____莫小曉 QQ:28938 3324 理由:每天人氣10W+,網路信息爆滿的網路美女—莫小曉,完全有資格進入09年十大風雲人物排行。但今年關於莫小曉的負面信息真的太多了 尤其以她是其實是男性,冒充她人照片的信息最為嚴重。此說法並非無稽之談,畢竟誰也沒看過莫小曉的視頻。莫小曉,男性粉絲眾多 此負面信息讓莫曉小備受爭議,她?還是他?我們不得而知。 第三:網路頂峰人物____小寧 QQ:30353 4143 理由:身為皇朝家族創始他一直以來很努力,挺有實力,勢力,為人不忘本,! 一直走在網路的頂峰,據說皇朝家族是因為他的人氣才紅起來的. 一直被模仿,從未被超越。 第四:網路人氣女霸主____亞小帝 QQ:8179 6470 理由:08年的網路小人物,09年轉型為大眾人氣。以女性德天地厚的優勢迅速成名,從張艾森接手了原創中國元素家族荒祭軒 一年內也沖擊到網路十大家族名列。網路長期以來被男生占據,亞小帝成功創下了女性稱霸的列子 現以成為網路公認第一女霸主 第五:空間技術霸主____缺德 QQ:2930 61 理由:前網路第一家族殘血創始人_缺德,空間被陷害封閉後,殘血家族一度面臨解散危機。但缺德用新QQ繼續發展殘血就是時尚的文化 再他的領導下殘血家族評介技術優勢繼續屹立網路家族界,雖然現殘血家族排名跌至第三位。 但是我們有理由相信,殘血家族才是最有資本走向巔峰的家族 第六:網路第一策劃師__張艾森 QQ:2370 01232 理由:09年初殺馬特家族最高行政總裁,帶領殺家從腦殘偽視覺走向新潮流,並且初步走上了商業的道路 據傳聞和創始人淚凱不合,所以退出殺馬特家族,自建依然家族,不到一年的時間內 依然家族發展成為網路第四大家族,商業第一家族。以優秀的頭腦成功舉辦第一屆網路公眾活動。 現正准備發展慈善活動。前段時間因為被誣陷現實偷手機,名聲大跌,據說已經鬧到現實警方的介入。也是網路有史以來第一次從網路鬧到現實的糾紛。 第七:網路最落魄紅人____鄧陽 QQ:8534 4610 理由:橫行網路四年的老紅人鄧陽,09年因現實原因有段時間無法正常上網,其家族—皇朝被親手提拔上來的手下{現皇朝總創—小寧}霸佔 很長一段時間鬧的網路滿城風雨,最終鄧陽也沒有拿會皇朝家族的所有權。現僅僅是一個新家族的二把手,對於這樣的結果 不知道鄧陽心裡怎麼想。最近又和老婆鬧分手,鄧陽真的是09年實至名歸的落魄紅人 第八:網路首席MC______洪磊 QQ:4599 45678 理由:洪磊的MC被大眾界、家族界以及技術界所喜愛。洪亮的聲音,震撼的DJ,使洪磊成為網路MC的代表人物 所謂樹大招風,占據MC界第一名頭的洪磊,挑戰的對手更是一浪接一浪。新生的優秀網路MC太多太多了 第一MC的王座還能做多久呢? 第九:家族界第一人氣____淚凱 QQ:3816 23401 理由:現網路第一家族殺馬特創始人,家族人氣無可爭議的最高者,為什麼吧他的排名放這么低呢?今年的殺馬特吸引人的事情、動作真的太少了 前最高行政總裁—張艾森和前家族副創始6個月的網路對峙,讓網路焦點再次放到殺家身上。不由我們想起了曾經的良、林林、小奇。 似乎只要在殺家得到實權的人物,都慢慢退出了殺家。殺家究竟是和諧家族?還是政治斗爭的縮影? 第十:網上教程發布____小翼 QQ:3699 85126 理由:09中下旬迅速崛起於空間界,8月依照Q空間博客5000+的人氣迅速走紅空間界,和莫曉小、霸氣十足比起來似乎顯得微不足道,但是關於QQ關於空間的各種教程,都令很多莫名的人喜歡。小翼他的教程,專攻Q,專攻空間,並且他平易近人,從來沒有架子,Q過他的他只有在都回了的,據說他還是90後,希望他能網路的路上走的更遠。
❿ 開心美女全套相冊里的女生是誰http://www.qqpk.cn/Article/UploadFiles/200906/20090604164949218.jpg
although young,wow gold, and wow gold no one in his way. Stone director whispered: "who is printing four plants. Factory's poor performance, fast break down. These days, there are rumors that, should our four plants and factories, workers have to cut wow powerleveling half of the retired workers wages have decreased. "river stone cold finally understand why the director had worried about. Although the four factory workers to make trouble,wow accounts, and he does not related. But the case of the factory just a little better, put a quick collapse of the factory and come in, how can better benefit? If the Government is under pressure to calm the situation, a person is not cut, in the end, or the burden of the factory, and some harm than good taste. Cold river and asked: "cut and rection of retirement pay is that true?" Stone director looked around, frowned and whispered: "Who knows? Light Instry Bureau leaders and those who are inside the city's decision. I who want to cut the bar must be cut, how much it. rece the retirement pay this claim, I'd never heard of, I am wow powerleveling afraid it is repeated the baseless assertion. "director Stone said:" When they are singled out, and do not know Who leaked today, Provincial Development and Reform Commission who want to down state-owned enterprises to inspect the train is coming from the city of Yan. "talking,wow gold, a group of people have walked into the place was lying on rails. Jiang, cold wow accounts look around, I saw six parallel tracks, both lay people, a total of thirty a few, mostly six or seven-year-old retired worker, there are several middle-aged women,wow gold, of the young male workers is One did not see. Four plant's leadership has come to, is squatting there for ideological work. There is a fat lead, said: "These are rumors, less than the letter. We almost get up.'s Leadership to ensure that the factory does not matter everyone." Lie where the old workers shouted: "I do not believe you, we want to see Yan Shuji, Zhou Mayor, Deputy Mayor Ke (vice mayor in charge of instry),wow gold, we have to listen to their commitments. "The leader advised:" The provincial leadership is coming inside, you have What, then, first let out of the railway, the leadership inside the city will consider your views. "older workers, said:" We can just come to the great leadership of the province reflect the situation. "next to the railway branch snapped a Director : "Do not you wow gold know, obstruct rail traffic is much sin?" cried the old worker, said: "Leadership, I have Seventy-three, and had also not survive for years. no more retirement pay,